Candle and Wax Melt Jar Return Scheme 

As part of my commitment to making environmentally friendly business decisions, I am happy to announce my candle jar & wax melt jar return scheme is in place to encourage re-use and reduce waste.



Once you have finished your candle, you can return it to me either in person or by post. (I will clean out the container so don’t worry about cleaning it out!)

You will then get a £1 discount on your next purchase.

If you have more than one container to bring back. You’ll get a £1 discount per container. Maximum discount £10.



Once you have enjoyed all of your fabulous melts, you can return the jar to me and then you will get a £1 discount on your next purchase. Maximum discount £10.

Win win! You save money and we do better for our planet.

As an added bonus, I’m committed to ensuring that every single product & item of packaging is either recyclable or compostable. Your snap bars come in compostable PLA (made from vegetable starch!) or glassine bags which you can pop in your home composing system.

Our wax melt wax is fully biodegradable, and so is the glitter used to decorate them, so once the fragrance has burned off, the wax can be put in your general waste bin.

Our candles are also made from wax that is biodegradable so once you have finished your candle and want to get rid of the leftover wax, pop it in the freezer for a couple of hours. Once it’s frozen, take it out and lay a tea towel down on a flat surface, put the candle upside down, gently bang it on the surface and the wax should easily come free from its glass!

Use the links at the bottom of the page to follow me on this small business journey xoxo